2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'college toronto'|past pieces of toronto: eaton's college street

About 'college toronto'|past pieces of toronto: eaton's college street

In               a               certain               school               in               the               windy               city,               being               a               class               clown               could               just               score               one               a               4.0.

And,               if               everyone               in               a               class               is               comical,               being               the               class               clown               could               mean               a               big               career               ahead.

For               theater               majors               aspiring               to               make               audiences               howl               with               laughter,               the               windy               city               is               the               place               to               be.

The               Columbia               College               of               Chicago               launched               a               six-credit,               semester-long               comedy               studies               program               in               conjunction               with               The               Second               City,               a               nationally               known               improv               comedy               hall.

Students               earn               college               credit               not               only               for               learning               the               ropes               of               comedy               but               also               for               attending               shows               and               networking               with               artists.

The               program               culminates               in               each               student               hosting               his               or               her               own               showcase.
               The               programs               website               states:               "...That's               why               these               two               great               Chicago               institutions               have               joined               forces               and               created               the               Comedy               Studies               program.

Unlike               any               other               course               of               study               in               content,               scope,               or               resources,               it               provides               a               unique               opportunity               to               study               full-time               at               The               Second               City,               the               nation's               center               of               comedy               and               satire,               for               an               entire               semester."
               The               curriculum               for               the               program               contains               classes               including               "Context               for               Comedy,"               "History               and               Analysis               of               Comedy"               and               "Creating               Scenes               Through               Improvisation."               In               these               classes,               students               will               work               on               developing               physical,               vocal               and               improvisational               performance               skills               needed               for               comedy,               writing               comedy               in               various               forms               and               genres,               discovering               the               historical               bases               for               contemporary               comedy,               examining               social               and               political               contexts               for               satire,               and               supporting               the               individual               comedic               voice               within               an               ensemble.
               Junior               and               senior               students               who               have               an               interest               in               performing               from               both               Columbia               and               visiting               colleges               and               universities               can               apply.

The               program               is               actually               considered               a               study               abroad               program               since               students               study               full               time               within               the               comedy               institution.
               The               idea               for               the               comedy               studies               program               came               from               Andrew               Alexander,               the               executive               producer               of               Second               City.

Alexander               also               happens               to               be               a               board               of               trustees               member               at               Columbia               College.

During               a               lunch               with               the               college's               president               Warrick               Carter               and               the               theater               department               head,               Sheldon               Patinkin,               he               mentioned               that               a               school               in               Toronto               offered               an               improv               class.
               Patinkin               also               has               a               special               connection               to               The               Second               City;               he               was               one               of               the               founding               members.
               Boston               University               theater               major               Jennifer               Ducharme               took               a               leave               of               absence               from               the               New               England               school               and               caught               a               plane               to               O'Hare.

She               told               the               Associated               Press,               "Studying               at               The               Second               City               is               exactly               what               I               was               looking               for.

I               really               wanted               to               get               into               comedy,               especially               improv;               it's               really               what               I               need               right               now."
               Both               Columbia               College               and               Second               City               have               high               hopes               for               the               program.

In               fact,               Anne               Libera,               executive               artistic               director               of               The               Second               City               training               center               was               quoted               by               the               AP               saying               they               hope               to               become               the               "Juilliard               of               comedy."
               Libera               added               that               she               would               have               died               to               have               had               an               education               like               Columbia's.

Libera               was               in               a               theater               company               with               satirist               Stephen               Colbert,               of               "The               Colbert               Report"               fame.

Comedians-in-training               whom               take               part               in               this               program               are               in               good               hands.

Actors               and               comedians               such               as               the               late               Chris               Farley,               Gilda               Radner               and               The               Office's               Steve               Carell               studied               at               The               Second               City.

Image of college toronto

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    2013년 11월 23일 토요일

    About 'trinity college psychology'|Goodbye Leaving Cert, Hello College!

    About 'trinity college psychology'|Goodbye Leaving Cert, Hello College!

    One               in               a               series               of               humor               sections               by               John               Kitchin               
                   (Media               Editors:               Swap               publication               permission               on               any               article               in               return               for               ad               space               in               your               newspaper.

    See               http://advertising.yahoo.com               and               both               Yahoo!

    and               Google               are               agents.)               
                   [THIS               AUTHOR               WROTE               FOR               JOHNNY               CARSON.

    -               Webmaster.]
                   Inspired               by               Woody               Allen               and               Mel               Brooks,               Bite               Me!

    is               something               that               Bart               Simpson,               the               ADD               child               of               the               TV               series               "The               Simpsons"               says               a               lot.

    It               shows               the               extreme               creativity               of               the               Autistic               child               (me)               who               grew               up               to               write               it.

    Hitler               would               have               killed               me               for               being               different.
                   Rotten               Apples               get               awfully               Micro-Soft               when               you               squish               them,               making               the               whole               web               stink.

    Internet               Exploder,               the               browser               from               Locked               Gates,               launches               toxic               cookies,               months               old               and               hard               enough               to               crash               into               the               enemy's               British               Raincoat               (a               Mac).

    Likewise,               Rotten               Apple's               Green               "Granny               Smith"               Division               has               its               own               "Trojan               Horse"               (those               are               really               big               condoms               used               at               the               racetrack)               called               "Godzilla               Fire-Pox",               which               launches               viruses               such               as               Apple               "Sick-Time",               injecting               them               into               your               Punk               City               (PC)               Information               Superhighway               Vehicle,               causing               it               to               crash               into               an               exit               ramp.
                   University               degrees:               B.A.

    is               Big               Ape;               B.S.

    is,               well,               you               know               what               BS               is;               MFF               is               Master               of               Flying               Farts;               M.E.

    is               Matriculated               Eccentric;               and               Ph.D.

    is               the               same               as               BS               except               Piled               Higher               and               Deeper.

    A               university               with               too               much               staff               in               the               coffee               machine               risks               a               staff               infection.

    To               save               money,               music               students               will               be               using               the               restrooms               for               instrument               practice.

    The               university               administrator               mascot               is               a               puppet               that               the               young               kids               love               named               Academic               Dean.

    Dean               appears               on               television               in               children´s               shows               encouraging               them               to               stay               in               school.

    The               longer               you               stay               in               school,               the               longer               the               time               before               you               graduate,               and               begin               life               on               the               sidewalk.
                   Osama               bin               Laden               has               his               days               numbered.

    Long               after               Michael               Moore´s               "Fahrenheit               911"               showed               Osama´s               check               to               help               elect               George               W.

    Bush               President,               despite               that               check               being               a               US               Government               Top               Secret,               8               years               under               Bush               went               by               and               he               was               not               found.

    Hell,               if               he               donated               $50               million               to               me               and               I               was               president,               I´d               probably               put               him               up               in               the               Lincoln               Bedroom!

    But,               there´s               a               new               sheriff               in               town,               and               his               name               is               Obama.

    This               sheriff               is               a               nightmare               of               yours               right               out               of               the               movie               "Blazing               Saddles".

    Goodbye,               Osama.

    Meet               Obama.
                   Heard               at               the               border               water               fountain               (true               story):               "You               gotta               love               a               country               where               the               water               is               free,               and               putting               your               leg               in               it               doesn´t               cause               you               to               get               fleas."
                   The               lady               at               the               San               Diego               State               University               graduate               information               desk               asked               me               if               I               had               a               B.A.


    I               told               here               that               even               my               dog               has               one               of               those!

    (true               story)
                   You               gotta               balance               the               ying               and               the               yang,               or               the               bacteria               don't               grow               properly.

    Too               much               ying,               and               it               has               to               be               balanced               with               some               yang               powder,               to               produce               the               proper               pH.

    Ying-yangers               and               other               bacteria               people               study               society's               most               important               asset:               Culture.

    The               study               of               culltures               is               fascinating,               but               you               gotta               be               careful               that               you               don't               get               arrested               for               trespassing               on               somebody's               intellectual               property.

    If               it's               software,               the               property               might               have               Locked               Gates               (Bill's               son,               I               think)               protecting               it,               but               you               could               consider               jumping               the               fence.
                   There               is               no               farting               permitted               in               elevators               or               on               buses               and               trolleys,               per               the               Clean               Air               Act.

    Flatulation               balloons               will               be               provided               in               case               of               emergency,               but               please               do               not               re-use               the               rectal               fitting.

    Warning:               Gas               is               flammable.
                   The               Chinese               delicacy               Sho-Hung               is               made               from               the               penises               (penii)               of               large               buffalo               who               are               sho-hung.

    One               of               my               t-shirts               reads               "Dim-Sum               Wen               Batt               Ree-lo".

    The               cat               food               menu               contains               the               item               Phu               Yuk,               which               smells               like               chicken               vomit.

    Kitty               sez               it               tastes               just               like               chicken;               entrails.

    Gives               the               cat               bad               breath,               making               him               smell               like               another               Chinese               dish,               Hu-fardt.

    Better               than               that               Japanese               stuff,               a               mix               of               rice,               fish               bait,               Sewage,               and               Cheez,               called               SewageCheez,               or               SuShi.

    Smells               like               fish.
                   A               PTC               is               a               Political               Toilet               Committee,               who               can               talk               all               potty-mouthed               about               your               opponent,               in               hopes               of               flushing               them.

    You               need               to               get               your               Sanitizers               to               expose               who               and               what               they               really               are.

    Most               of               them               are               not               Mister               Clean,               just               more               poop               with               a               side               order               of               puke,               the               usual               toilet               stuff.

    They               rant               on-and-on               with               the               usual               diarrhea               of               the               mouth,               but               you               can               usually               shut               them               off               with               a               few               well-placed               adult               diapers.

    The               stink               of               politics               abounds,               and               be               sure               to               protect               your               rump               with               one               of               those               butt-herpes               protective               toilet               rump-covers,               called               an               "editor".

    With               that,               I'm               one               of               those               editor-types,               too,               but               I               work               in               a               different               restroom.

    (A               newsroom               is               a               restroom               with               video               monitors               instead               of               toilets.

    Stinks               just               as               bad.)               You're               in               the               john               marked               "Republicans",               and               I               work               at               the               john               named               "kitchen".

    Here,               we               make               Republicans               sick               at               their               own               convention.

    You               should               have               paid               for               union               cooks               and               waiters,               but               you               rich               Republicans               don't               want               to               pay               for               that.

    So,               Willie               will               cook               your               dogburger.

    Willie               is               42,               out               on               parole               for               murder,               and               is               dating               your               14-year-old.

    He               met               her               while               waiting               tables               at               your               convention.
                   I               love               the               out               doors,               but               only               when               I'm               trying               to               get               out.

    When               I'm               trying               to               get               in,               the               out               doors               don't               help               at               all.

    I               wear               a               Visa               card               around               my               neck,               just               like               Christians               wear               a               cross.

    It               celebrates               the               Blessed               Trinity:               Visa,               Mastercard,               and               American               Express.

    The               Holy               Spirit               refers               to               when               God               is               present,               but               invisible.

    Like               when               instead               of               paper,               God               shows               His               presence               electronically,               like               on               PayPal.

    My               Windows               7               download               didn't               go               all               the               way,               because               a               cockroach               got               stuck               in               the               refrigerator               motor,               shorting               it               out.

    I               have               most               of               it,               and               call               the               program               Windows               6               1/2.
                   We               humans               eat               all               animals               that               don't               eat               meat,               and               several               that               do.

    Racing               season               is               a               culinary               event,               because               all               countries               in               the               world,               outside               of               the               United               States,               relish               the               gourmet               flavor               of               horsemeat.

    here               at               the               Del               Mar               Thoroughbred               Packing               Company,               we               know               that               the               losers               are               just               as               important               as               the               winners.

    That's               because               Thoroughbred               is               the               most               expensive               meat               in               the               world.

    That's               real               gourmet               meat               running               down               the               track,               because               horses               aren't               made               out               of               carrots!

    And,               when               you               order               lunchmeat,               consider               making               Thoroughbred               beaf               your               selection               of               choice.

    A               club               sandwich               is               great,               with               lettuce,               tomato,               onion,               and               sliced               avocado               and               turkey.

    But               a               Del               Mar               Thoroughbred               Club               Sandwich               pays               tribute               to               a               classic               pastime!


    The               price               of               Thoroughbred               beaf               is               going               up!

    Del               Mar               and               other               racetracks               have               installed               new               running               surfaces               that               minimize               dead               horses,               which               is               hurting               the               meat               export               business.

    Sorry,               all               meat               must               be               exported,               and               not               consumed               domestically,               in               accordance               with               the               group               that               runs               the               Fascist               Racetrack               Council.

    The               Del               Mar               Thoroughbred               Club.

    Most               popular               club               sandwich               in               Paris.

    And,               if               you               were               looking               for               those               racetrack               guys,               their               website               is               at               www.DelMarRacing.com               .

    Tell               them               their               new               track               is               hurting               our               meat               packing               business.
                   Del               Mar               Thoroughbred               Packing               Company:               Fine               Gourmet               Horsemeat               Enjoyed               Worldwide               (except               in               the               USA)               Try               a               Del               Mar               Thoroughbred               Club               Sandwich               Today!
                   That's               the               last               time               I               ever               bet               on               a               horse               that               moos               or               barks.

    Turf               club?

    Never               eat               a               turf               club.

    Track               dirt               is               unsanitary.

    Turkey               maybe,               but               not               turf.

    Ray               Krok,               founder               of               McDonald's               Restaurants,               had               a               horse               named               Big               Mac.

    Is               the               horse               named               after               the               sandwich,               or               the               sandwich               named               after               the               horse,               and               is               there               any               Big               Mac               in               a               Big               Mac?

    I               came               to               the               racetrack               to               see               the               horses,               and               all               I               see               is               hot               babes.

    Not               that               I'm               complaining,               but               if               I               want               to               see               hot               babes,               I               usually               go               to               a               bar               or               the               beach,               not               a               racetrack.

    Hey,               I'm               all               out               of               credit;               do               you               rich               dudes               accept               cash?
                   A               woman               wore               a               ID               tag               that               said               "San               Diego               Wild               Animal               Park",               so               I               asked               her               if               she               was               a               bartender               there.

    I               love               to               hang               out               in               bars               where               the               people               act               like               wild               animals.

    She               said,               "It's               a               zoo."               I               assured               her               that               most               singles               bars               are.

    Wild               Animal               Park               is               a               great               name               for               a               bar,               but               Escondido               is               too               far               to               travel.

    Plenty               of               bars               that               are               zoos               closer               than               that.

    Part               of               the               mating               repertoire               of               the               giant               ape-human.

    The               best               name               for               a               bar,               of               course,               is               the               Coronado               Fairy               Landing,               in               Gay               Hillcrest.
                   Plastic               cows               are               where               we               get               artificial               dairy               products,               like               Kreem:               Concrete               powder               with               plastic               bits,               used               to               make               Cheez.

    Reale               brand               Cheez               comes               in               polystyrene,               nylon,               or               new               limestone-polyvinyl.

    It               won't               melt               on               an               artificial               pizza,               but               makes               great               catbox               filler.

    Often               appears               on               package               ingredients               of               a               product               as               "cheeselike               substance"               or               "caseinate"               (gopher               droppings).

    They               add               real               sweat               from               cows               to               make               the               flavor               realistic.

    Real               Cheese               comes               from               a               dairy               ranch.

    Chihuaha               cheese               comes               from               a               dairy               kennel.

    Makes               you               feel               like               a               puppy               again.
                   The               USC               Trojans               are               that               football               team               they               named               the               condoms               after,               right?
                   The               Border               Patrol               Agent               asked,               "Are               you               bringing               anything               back               with               you               from               Mexico?"               The               citizen               replied,               "A               bad               case               of               diarrhea,               now               it's               in               my               pants."               The               Agent               said,               "Anything               you               bring               back               has               to               be               inspected.

    Show               it               to               the               officer               at               the               Secondary               Inspection               desk."
                   I               asked               for               God's               Extended               Hands,               but               He               said               no,               and               all               I               got               was               God's               Extended               Finger.

    People               all               worn               out               on               Jesus               are               God's               Expended               Fans.
                   Heard               at               the               retirement               home:               Hippies               are               those               people               who               shoot               all               that               marijuana               into               their               veins,               and               smoke               acid,               aren't               they?
                   Banks               are               for               people               with               so               much               money               that               it               doesn't               even               fit               in               their               wallet!

    I               always               thought               that               luxury               accomodations               are               when               your               shopping               cart               has               a               car               battery               that               runs               a               TV               and               DVD               player.

    Roachclips               are               for               when               you               keep               a               pet               roach               and               don't               want               it               to               get               loose               and               eat               all               your               Oreo               cookies.

    I               seen               more               than               one               roach               hidden               on               computer               cookies,               too.

    Sort               of               like               a               Trojan               rat.

    The               kid               down               the               block               calls               Africanized               hives,               "soul               bees".

    People               eat               pretzels               with               beer               because               you               can               tell               how               much               beer's               in               your               belly               by               counting               how               long               it               takes               before               the               pretzels               splash.

    Quicksplash,               and               you               be               gittin'               full.

    Walk               home               and               unclip               your               roach               so               he               can               chase               roach-babes.

    Have               him               use               a               condomimium               (tiny               "mini"               condom)               'cause               nobody               wants               to               have               to               buy               shoes               for               600               kids               that               each               have               6               legs               and               feet.

    Well,               maybe               devout               Catholics.

    I               don't               eat               karaoke               because               rodents               aren't               kosher.

    For               God's               help               when               live               becomes               a               pain               in               the               ass,               try               the               Church               of               the               Holy               Hemhorroid               Treatment.

    Somebody               mentioned               "Angels               of               the               Throne".

    My               throne               got               infested               with               angels               once,               but               the               exterminators               got               them               out.

    Sit               down               on               that               damn               thing,               and               you               could               get               your               butt               bit               by               an               angel.

    There's               a               roll               of               toilet               paper               next               to               the               throne,               in               case               your               butt               is               bleeding               from               a               bite.
                   The               psychiatrist               told               me               that               if               I               keep               hanging               out               with               UFO               aliens               and               blogging               about               it,               I               could               end               up               the               ultimate               disgrace:               A               guest               on               Oprah!
                   In               Mexico,               the               Red               Light               District               is               called               Pueblo               del               Muchachos,               or               Boys               Town,               which               makes               me               wonder               how               many               people               wander               into               the               famous               Omaha,               Nebraska               orphanage               that               has               the               same               name,               looking               for               a               little               action               with               a               hooker.

    General               Hooker               of               the               US               Cavalry               recruited               women               to               serve               as               military               prostitutes,               and               they               were               referred               to               as               "Hooker's               women",               or,               simply,               Hookers.
                   Now,               when               you               buy               a               27,000               pound               box               of               Medical               Marijuana,               you               get               a               half               pound               of               cocaine,               two               ounces               of               heroin,               1500               hits               of               crystal               meth,               an               ounce               of               hash,               and               a               half               a               box               of               holy               communion.

    Watch               out               for               that               communion               stuff,               'cause               it's               way               more               addictive               than               those               other               drugs.

    Bring               your               marijuana               ID               card               down               here,               to               the               Compassionate               Caring               Holistic               Friendly               and               Kind               Gang               Wars               Dope               Dealer               and               Pimp               Mart.

    Open               'till               6               AM.

    Big               Jimmy               The               Snake               is               back               out               of               prison,               'cause               they               couldn't               prove               he               killed               any               of               them               cops,               and               he'll               fix               you               up               right               away!

    You'll               be               shooting               up               fresh...uh...marijuana,               today!
                   If               marketing               guys               keep               running               the               world,               even               dog               poop               is               going               to               come               in               assorted               flavors               and               colors.
                   In               the               military,               General               Confusion               is               in               charge               of               planning,               and               then               General               Chaos               takes               over               during               missions,               resulting               in               cleanup               by               General               Turmoil.

    General               Mills               retired               to               start               a               breakfast               cereal               business,               so               he's               not               around               anymore,               but               General               Motors               still               operates               the               motor               pool.

    Motors               like               a               good               bath               in               the               pool               on               a               hot               day,               followed               by               cocktails               with               Captain               Jack               and               lunch               with               Colonel               Sanders.

    They're               talking               to               Private               Room               about               getting               a               date               to               meet               General               Hooker,               but               most               of               them               will               only               end               up               with               Corporal               Punishment.

    They               caught               Sgt.

    Pepper               playing               with               Private               Parts,               causing               Major               Trouble               to               investigate               General               Anarchy.

    Nothing               will               happen,               because               General               Tire               is               too               busy               getting               lit               up               with               General               Electric.

    They're               waiting               for               Private               Lines,               while               enjoying               the               company               of               Captain               Morgan.

    General               Foods               prepared               some               snacks.

    Only               in               a               Midshipman's               Night's               Dream.
                   Ross               Perot               got               out               of               the               mental               hospital               this               week,               still               insisting               that               he               can               become               President.

    He               says               that               he               can               confuse               people               with               graphs               and               charts,               and               talk               about               senseless               jibberish,               and               people               are               bound               to               elect               him.

    He               says               that's               because               what               people               really               want               is               a               strong               leader               that               will               spank               them               into               submission.

    He               showed               everyone               his               leather               teddy               and               his               collection               of               handcuffs.

    He               also               gave               everyone               a               look               at               his               collection               of               ten               thousand               pairs               of               womens'               shoes,               each               one               in               an               individual               plastic               bag,               to               preserve               the               original               aromas.
                   Can't               afford               the               high               cost               of               buying               a               dairy               farm?

    Consider               a               Chihuahua               Cheese               Kennel,               instead.
                   Recruitment               Radio               Ad:               Are               you               brain-dead?

    Is               your               IQ               about               the               same               as               your               shoe               size,               maybe               8               or               10?

    There's               a               living               for               you               as               a               County               and               Western               Music               singer!

    Nowadays,               AM               Radio               and               Country               Music               are               no               longer               used               merely               to               torture               people               into               confessing               their               guilt.

    They're               used               to               brainwash,               encourage               new               horizons               in               stupidity,               and               even               to               torture               intelligent               people               until               they               vomit.

    We're               having               trouble               coming               up               with               music               talents               stupid               enough               to               participate.

    We'll               pay               you               millions               of               dollars               to               swallow               your               pride,               read               books               on               how               to               be               less               intelligent               than               a               barn               hog,               and               belt               out               a               tune               about               an               achy               breaky               heart.

    And,               don't               worry               about               some               Mexican               coming               up               here               and               taking               your               job,               either.

    Most               Mexicans               are               way               too               intelligent               to               qualify.

    If               you               show               aptitude               to               go               from               dumb               to               dumber,               we'll               help               train               you!

    The               most-stupid               of               you               can               go               on               to               a               career               in               AM               Radio               as               a               talk-show               host               or               commentator!

    So,               don't               commit               suicide               just               because               you're               too               stupid               to               learn               how               to               read               and               write.

    Millions               of               people               just               like               you               listen               to               AM               Radio               and               Country               Music               every               day.

    Join               us,               and               you'll               make               enough               money               that               you               have               people               to               read               and               write               stuff               for               you,               among               them,               an               agent               and               a               publicist.

    There's               hope!

    See               our               local               newspaper               ad               in               the               Employment               Section,               under               "Help               Wanted:               Stupid."               Have               someone               who               can               read               read               it               to               you.

    You'll               like               your               new               career               in               Country               Music               and               AM               Radio!
                   Rock               and               Roll               has               something               to               do               with               stale               bakery,               doesn't               it?

    That's               when               your               rolls               are               as               hard               as               rocks?

    What               it               really               has               to               do               with               is               rocking               and               rolling               around               in               bed,               of               course,               and               getting               your               rocks               off               when               you               roll.

    Dancing               horizontally.

    Has               to               do               with               hunting               the               2-legged               deer               (dear).

    Get               stung               badly               enough               and               you               start               calling               your               partner               "honey".

    Just               beehave               and               you'll               be               overpopulating               like               a               Baby               Factory.

    Name               the               fat               one               Bubba               and               the               stupid               one               Lishus.

    Mommy               gonna               get               you               a               big,               fat,               healthy               child               support               payment,               precious!

    My               lawyer               is               depending               upon               winning               my               case               so               he               can               pay               his               dope               dealer,               his               prostitutes,               and               his               hit-men.

    Good               lawyers               know               just               how               big               a               tip               to               pay               the               judge.
                   I               invested               $8               in               the               Kielbasaland               Polish               Lottery,               and               eventually               learned               that               I               won.

    $30               million               sounds               like               a               lot,               but               it's               paid               out               $1               a               year               for               30               million               years.

    It'll               take               me               8               years               just               to               get               my               ticket               price               back!

    And,               they               sent               me               a               bill               for               0.1%               Lottery               Earnings               Taxes,               so               I               owe               them               $30,000.

    They               wanna               reposess               my               backpack               and               my               blanket,               because               I               don't               own               anything               else.
                   Crossing               the               Mexican               Border               into               the               US,               when               you               get               to               the               end               of               the               Border               Human               Cattle               Maze,               and               reach               the               pinch-chute,               you               gotta               hope               that               when               them               Border               Human               Cattle               Wranglers               inspect               your               butt               for               its               brand               that               they               just               give               you               a               shot               of               Bovine               Growth               Hormone,               and               not               chop               you               up               into               Wendy's               Doubles.

    That's               what               happens               at               the               border               when               you               go               In               and               Out.

    The               wranglers               could               really               use               some               of               those               cattle               prods,               too...I               think               they               call               'em               tasers.

    Well,               the               long               wait               helps               me               chew               my               cud,               but               there's               no               milkin'               me,               fellas,               'cause               I'a               bull!

    I               don't               care               if               your               laundry               does               come               out               better               when               you               add               bull               semen.

    Double               Whammy               Burger               with               Chihuaha               Cheese?

    I               love               the               smell               of               dog               milk               on               a               cowburger.

    [Jack               in               the               Box               and               In               and               Out               are               West               Coast               fast-food               hamburger               places.

    Wendy's               operates               out               of               Chicago.

    Double               Whammy               Burger               comes               from               the               advertising               of               Suburpia               Submarine               Sandwich               Shoppes,               an               icon               of               the               Hippie               1960's               in               Milwakee,               Wisconsin.

    A               similar               ad               campaign               was               run               by               Wendy's,               years               later.]
                   The               wrapped               sandwich               business               at               convenience               stores               has               a               brand               of               microwave               cheeseburger               called               "Big               AZ".

    Eat               a               bunch,               and               you'll               have               a               Big               AZ.

    Think               of               diet               and               exercise               as               a               way               to               cleanup               toxic               waist.
                   The               homeless               on               the               street               often               have               signs,               begging               for               money.

    Usually               they               read               something               like:               "Homeless.

    Need               help."               One               man's               sign               said,               "Why               lie?

    Need               beer."               The               best               one               I               saw               said,               "Recovering               Bible               and               Jesus               Addict."               True               story.

    Jokingly,               I               told               him               to               go               find               Jesus.

    "Why,               is               he               lost?",               was               his               reply.
                   Yesterday:               A               lady               tried               to               give               me               a               shirt               from               Nordie's               (Nordstrom's),               but               I               insisted               that               I'm               homeless,               and               it'd               ruin               my               image.

    (True               story.)
                   Act               now,               and               we'll               send               you               a               free               pint               of               Emu               Oil!

    You               never               know               when               your               emu               might               start               to               squeak,               and               a               squeaky               emu               needs               to               be               oiled               with               Emu               Oil!
                   "Cervezayuno"               is               cerveza,               beer,               for               daysayuno,               breakfast.

    In               Mexico,               Corona               has               trademark               rights               to               the               words               "Breakfast               of               Champions",               much               like               Wheaties               does               in               the               US.

    Wheaties               with               Corona?

    Only               in               a               bad               dream.

    How               about               a               brand               of               condoms               called               Pubic               Safety?

    And,               don't               you               dare               say               "Bite               Me!"               to               one               of               them               cucatrollas               (trolley               cockroaches).

    Some               of               them               are               mean               enough               to               eat               one               of               my               cats!
                   Today's               word:               Condomaxium.

    Trojan               Horse               Brand.

    These               are               condoms               used               on               race               horses.

    Much               larger               than               a               Condominium,               a               little               condom               the               doctor               uses               on               his               finger.

    Those               are               also               used               to               keep               a               pet               beaver               from               getting               BIV,               Beaver               Immunodeficiency               Virus.

    Condoms               for               beavers               come               in               3               flavors,               including               pine,               maple               and               oak.

    They               use               condoms               because               beavers               give               a               dam.

    Always               wondered               what               teeth               used               to               cut               down               trees               could               do               to               somebody's               leg.

    Could               a               beaver               with               dentures               get               Medicare               to               pay               for               a               chainsaw?
                   Bite               Me!

    I'm               an               Apple,               the               Forbidden               Fruit!

    (Thanks               to               Lettrman               and               DeGeneres               for               pioneering               this               concept.

    Apple               Computer               has               been               suing               or               threatening               to               sue               producers               of               products               beginning               with               the               small               letter               "i",               due               to               its               use               of               the               letter               in               its               products               the               iPod               and               iPhone.)
                   New               From               Apple:
                   iShadow               has               a               makeup               mirror               and               curling               iron;               iChart               has               a               list               of               optometrists               to               use               after               squinting               into               it               for               days;               iCarumba               has               a               blender               for               chopping               up               salsa;               iCandy               is               a               fake               one               that               looks               real               so               you               can               appear               to               be               high-class.

    iShitted               has               a               compartment               for               spare               underwear               and               wipes.

    iGiveup               lists               the               locations               of               computer               stores,               so               you               can               trade               it               in               2               weeks               later               when               it               becomes               obsolete.

    iLash               has               a               masochistic               whip.

    iWash               is               the               world's               prettiest               green               computer,               featuring               old               technology               that'll               make               you               feel               more               ancient               than               Granny               Smith.

    iGotFruitflies               is               from               Rotten               Apple               Division.

    iHock               is               when               you               pawn               it,               and               iHack               is               when               a               cab               driver               uses               one               on               the               freeway.

    iScream               comes               frozen               in               42               flavors.

    Make               mine               Apple.

    iFarted               has               a               room               air-freshener,               while               the               iB-incontinent               has               an               attachment               for,               like,               storing               2               pees               in               an               iPod.

    Bottles               sold               seperately.

    iBong               has               a               waterpipe               to               make               your               business               meetings               green.
                   Move               over,               Macintosh!

    I               call               any               new               green               computer               from               Apple               a               Granny               Smith,               especially               one               that's               just               not               ripe               enough               yet.
                   Talked               to               a               guy               who               just               returned               from               Operation               Desert               Lizard.

    Has               something               to               do               with               car               insurance.

    He               was               on               his               way               to               go               bowling               with               a               cave               man.

    I               stay               out               of               bowling               alleys               ever               since               they               became               drop-off               places               for               unwanted               auto               workers.

    The               cave               guy's               teaching               him               futuristic               World               War               4               military               tactics.

    Something               to               do               with               throwing               rocks               at               the               enemy.

    Sounds               low-tech               to               me.
                   New               State               Prison               courses               include               gunsmithing,               locksmithing,               burglar               alarm               systems,               cyber-engineering,               and               the               most               recent               course,               dope-dealing.

    Get               a               minor               in               meth-lab               management,               gang               psychology,               grenade               launcher               repair,               or               burglary.

    The               CIA               hires               graduates               daily.
                   I'm               from               Milwaukee,               so               my               idea               of               a               fine               7-course               meal               is               a               hotdog               and               a               sixpack.

    SPINTERNS               are               Spin-Doctor               interns,               learning               to               lie               really               well,               so               that               they               can               work               for               the               world-wide               psychiatric               hospital               we               call               the               news               media.
                   (rework               of               a               previous               idea):               The               Catholic               Church               conducted               an               Exorcism               to               remove               a               terrible               evil               spirit               from               a               young               boy.

    A               priest               had               gotten               stuck.

    (Meets               TV               censorship               rules)
                   Mary               had               a               little               lamb,               and               that's               what               happens               when               you               fool               around               with               sheep!
                   The               secret               of               making               great               chipotle               is               that               you               have               to               take               the               wings               off               before               you               grind               them               up.

    Otherwise,               the               flavor               of               the               insect's               juices               get               overcome               by               that               awful               wing-taste.

    Long               a               staple               food               of               the               native               South               American               cultures,               real               chipotle               is               a               gourmet               treat,               and               easy               to               catch,               too!

    Set               your               traps               right               in               the               spaghetti               trees,               when               the               pasta               is               just               starting               to               get               ripe.

    Gourmet               chipotle!

    Now               that's               good               eating!
                   Introducing               America's               answer               to               the               flash-drive:               Called               the               flush-drive               it's               the               perfect               gift               for               somebody               you               don't               like.

    Plug               in               this               disguised               item,               and               it               permanently               deletes               files               at               random,               all               over               your               computer's               hard-drive!

    Another               fine               product               from               Go               Fish!,               computer               products               that               people               like               to               flush               down               the               toilet.

    And,               the               flush-drive               is               non-toxic               to               aquatic               plants               and               animals,               but               be               careful               not               to               accidentally               ingest               it               while               surfing               in               the               Pacific               Toilet.
                   Government               is               like               sausage:               Nobody               wants               to               know               what               goes               into               it,               plus               you               gotta               grind               up               a               lot               of               bull.
                   Plastic               cows               give               artificial               milk,               like               powdered               coffee               creamer,               don't               they?

    I               always               wanted               to               milk               a               soybean               for               soy               milk.

    Where's               the               tits               on               them               soybeans?

    If               they               give               soy               milk,               they               gotta               have               tits               someplace.
                   The               Border               Patrol               asked               Donald               Duck               where               he               was               born.

    He               replied,               "I               wasn't               born,               I               was               hatched!

    I'm               a               duck!"               He's               suing               for               interspecies               discrimination.
                   Hostess               Twinkies               became               80               years               old               recently,               having               been               invented               at               the               beginning               of               the               other               Great               Depression.

    The               thought               of               an               80-year-old               Twinkie               frightens               me.

    Even               back               when               I               had               a               $200-a-day               Twinkie               habit,               I               never               once               ate               one               that               was               over               6               months               old,               or               had               any               plants               growing               out               of               the               wrapper.

    As               addictive               as               they               are,               you               can               still               give               them               to               children?

    That's               like               crack               at               a               birthday               party!

    These               kids               are               gonna               come               in               3               sizes:               Fat,               extra-wide,               and               Shamu.
                   (Barry               Bonds               joke)               Governor               Schwarzenegger               is               the               only               California               Governor               that               gets               to               have               an               asterisk               (*)               after               his               name.

    Do               steroids               make               people               bigger               and               stupider?

    Apes               chew               'em               like               candy.
                   If               her               Fairy               Godmother               was               actually               her               Fairy               Godfather               in               drag,               would               you               tell               Cinderella               that?

    If               the               3               Little               Pigs               went               to               the               Police               Academy               Acting               School               together,               could               one               call               himself               Babe,               another               Porky               Pig,               and               the               third               one               Arnold?

    Could               Arnold's               stint               on               "Green               Acres"               lead               to               a               role               as               bodybuilder,               actor,               and               later,               Governor?

    (Takes               lots               of               makeup.)               Could               acting               eventually               lead               to               a               role               as               an               adult               movie               stunt-double,               Robo-Cock?

    Buns               of               Steel               with               a               very               large               hotdog.

    Robo-Pig               can               oink,               mate,               and               give               political               speeches,               all               in               3               languages.

    I               knew               when               Farmer               Ziffle               got               Arnold               glasses               so               he               could               read               better               that               someday               he'd               go               somewhere.

    Into               a               sandwich,               I               thought.

    I               know:               I'm               racially               prejudiced               against               menu               items.

    Ask               a               polar               bear               what               he               thinks               about               humans.

                   If               you're               a               really               good               roofer,               up               on               the               roof,               close               to               God,               you               might               someday               make               it               onto               the               list               of               the               finest               roofers               in               the               world:               Shingler's               List.

    Fine               art               is               when               you               have               to               pay               a               fine               because               the               government               doesn't               like               your               art.
                   Real               artery-clog               Cream               for               your               coffee.

    Just               like               pouring               hot               wax               down               the               sink               of               your               internal               plumbing.

    Heart               disease               medicine               sold               seperately.
                   If               you               had               to               become               a               vegetable               (because               you               were               diagnosed               with               Alzheimer's),               which               vegetable               would               you               become,               and               why?

    Peas,               corn               and               carrots               are               sweet,               but               the               sweetest               vegetable               is               the               giant               cucumber,               the               watermelon!

    Seeded               or               seedless?

    We               need               to               start               calling               seedless               fruits               and               vegetables               "castrated".

    Fruits               and               flower's               are               some               plant's               private               parts!

    (They               lure               you               with               their               nude               private               parts               and               say               Bite               Me!)
                   What               do               you               call               a               port-a-potty               company?

    One's               called               European               (you're-a-peein')               and               another               is               called               Uranus               (your               anus).

    When               done               using               Uranus,               European?

    I'm               still               trying               to               get               my               99               cent               umbrella               open,               to               avoid               getting               wet               from               the               Tinkle               Down               Theory               of               Reagan               Voodoo               Economics.

    In               San               Diego,               it               rains               every               day.

    We               poor               people               get               peed               on               a               lot,               so               they               call               us               pee-ons.
                   The               ambulance               company               called               to               City               Hall               was               to               remove               a               dead               body.

    Taking               way               too               long,               the               dispatcher               was               worried.

    After               the               pickup,               the               ambulance               workers               explained               that               the               stiff               was               in               a               group               of               Patronage               workers,               and               they               couldn't               tell               who               was               dead               and               who               was               asleep               until               the               end               of               the               shift.

    Anybody               at               City               Hall               who               didn't               wake               up               to               go               home               must               be               the               dead               guy.
                   Jumped               into               a               San               Diego               taxi               to               go               from               Downtown               to               the               Airport.

    The               driver               said:               "My               name               is               Akmed.

    I               take               you.

    Point               on               map."               I               introduced               myself,               and               asked               if               he               took               credit               cards.

    He               replied,               "My               name               is               Akmed.

    I               take               you.

    Point               on               map."               Okay,               now               we're               making               progress:               No               English!

    So,               I               tried               a               few               other               languages,               aeropuerto?

    Par               avon?

    He               responded:               "LAX?

    John               Wayne               Orange               County?

    Montgomery               Field?"               These               are               all               distant               locations,               not               the               1-mile-away               San               Diego               Downtown               Airport.

    So,               I               said,               "Okay,               Akmed,               give               me               the               map."               Then               I               said,               "Akmed,               this               is               a               map               of               Orange               County!"               He               said,               "Yes."               "Akmed,               I               want               to               go               to               San               Diego               Airport,               Lindbergh               Field,               right               over               there,               see               it?"               He               said               no,               and               point               on               map.

    So,               I               got               out               a               map               of               San               Diego,               and               pointed               to               Lindbergh               Field.

    He               shook               his               head               and               said,               "Not               far               enough.

    Get               out               of               my               cab."               True               story,               and               caused               me               to               become               a               San               Diego               cabbie               myself.
                   Seen               on               a               t-shirt               in               the               border               crossing               line:               "Teachers               Pet.

    So               does               everybody               else."               Another               thought:               A               cult               is               a               group               that               worships               the               word               of               God               instead               of               God.
                   I               was               addicted               to               reading               the               bible               24               hours               a               day,               so               I               joined               a               group               that               helps               Bible               Cult               victims,               Bibles               Anonymous.

    They               helped               me               cure               my               addition               to               bibles,               religion,               and               Holy               Communion               with               their               3               1/2               step               program               that               helps               channel               your               energies               into               things               that               are               less               addictive               than               religion,               such               as               drinking               alcohol               and               watching               porno               flicks.

    I'm               really               glad               and               relieved               that               I               broke               my               addiction               to               Holy               Communion.

    It's               great               to               have               my               life               back               again!

    (Marx               said               that               religion               is               the               opiate               of               the               people.)
                   I               knew               a               Cereal               Killer,               that               killed               off               a               whole               box               of               Wheaties,               half               a               box               of               corn               flakes,               and               ran               us               out               of               milk.
                   When               you               get               into               the               line               to               cross               the               border,               with               all               the               cattle-maze               gates               and               fences,               you               gotta               hope               that               when               you               get               to               the               end               of               the               line,               where               the               ranchers               (Border               Agents)               are,               that               they're               just               gonna               shoot               you               up               with               some               Bovine               Growth               Hormone,               and               not               chop               you               up               into               Whopper               Juniors!

    Makes               me               feel               like               a               cow               so               much               that               I               wanna               MOO.

    Then,               I               wanna               tear               up               my               neighbor's               lawn               with               my               teeth,               just               like               a               cow               does,               followed               by               pooping               all               over               the               yard.

    A               cow               is               a               crap               machine               that               gives               milk.

    And               a               cow               poops               right               on               its               own               food,               the               grass               it               eats.


    Got               Poop?
                   I               visited               Sea               World               the               other               day,               and               noticed               that               one               of               the               whales               had               a               "bumper               sticker"               on               its               tail.

    It               read               "Save               The               Humans".
                   A               little               boy               is               a               niñito,               a               little               tree               is               an               arbolito,               and               a               tiny               mosque               is               a               mosquito.
                   Your               new               cell-mate               is               named               Bubba.

    Bubba               needed               a               new               bed-partner               because               his               old               one               got               stuck               on               his               penis,               and               didn't               survive               the               surgery.

    We               paired               you               with               Bubba               because               the               jail               nurse               said               your               butthole               is               an               "Extra               Wide",               so               we               thought               you               might               do               just               fine.

    We               asked               him               to               go               easy               on               you.

    He's               in               jail               for               trying               to               have               sex               with               a               traffic               light.
                   When               you               start               to               get               old,               your               hearing               is               the               second               thing               to               go.

    Unfortunately,               nobody               makes               Viagra               for               ears.
                   The               officer               at               US               Customs               asked               today               what               I               was               bringing               back               from               Mexico.

    "Diarrhea",               was               my               reply,               "why,               is               that               illegal?"
                   I               remember               once               having               an               accident               with               a               tree,               and               when               the               police               got               there,               I               complained               that               the               tree               was               going               over               70               miles               an               hour               when               it               hit               me.

    The               cop               said               that               they               don't               issue               speeding               tickets               to               trees.

    That's               unfair!

    I               pay               taxes!

    Trees               don't!
                   Has               someone               stepped               on               your               toe?

    Got               a               neighbor               you               don't               like?

    We               here               at               the               law               firm               of               Gouge,               Fleece,               Finagle,               and               Swindle               can               help               you               sue               them               for               hundreds               of               millions               of               dollars!

    Even               though               they               did               nothing               wrong,               just               defending               the               lawsuit,               they'll               lose               everything:               Their               home,               their               car,               their               marriage,               and               even               their               sanity!

    Our               Hollywood               actors               and               actresses,               testifying               as               witnesses,               are               guaranteed               to               be               believed               by               the               jury.

    If               we               lose               your               case,               we'll               send               Guido               and               The               Boys               over               to               blow               them               away,               free               of               charge!

    Why               hire               ordinary               lawyers,               when               you               can               hire               a               law               firm               of               professional               gangsters?

    We're               in               the               Yellow               Pages               under               "Sharks".
                   Cockfighting               is               a               very               brutal               sport.

    If               you               want               to               win               at               cockfighting,               you               need               a               really               big               cock,               and               a               really               mean               one,               too.

    And,               cockfighting               is               even               worse               when               chickens               do               it.

    I'd               try               it,               but               I'm               afraid               of               getting               bruised.

    (this               is               a               rework               of               a               previous               joke).
                   I               like               to               smoke               my               own               ham               for               Easter.

    I               tried               smoking               fish               once,               but               they're               really               wet,               hard               to               light,               and               hard               to               roll,               too.
                   The               Infernal               Residue               Service,               IRS,               collects               any               leftover               residue               from               that               infernal               "root               of               all               evil"               money               you               had.

    Pay               up               or               the               devil               will               spank               you.

    Satan               in               a               leather               teddy.

    It's               his               day               off               from               working               with               the               Mall               Police.

    (I               once               said               that               hell               is               a               shopping               mall,               and               you're               there               for               eternity               and               don't               have               any               money.

    Satan               is               the               Chief               of               Mall               Police.)
                   7.2               on               the               Earthquake               Scale               ain't               nothing.

    I               once               farted               8.6.

    Shook               the               whole               neighborhood.
                   After               I               booted               up               my               computer,               I               had               to               clean               my               footprints               off               the               screen.

    I               used               to               have               a               telephone               answering               machine               with               8               radio               tubes               in               it.

    Great               for               keeping               your               coffee               warm,               plus               you               could               heat               up               hotdogs               on               the               power               supply.

    I               eventually               spilled               coffee               into               it,               shorting               it               out,               and               electrocuting               an               ant               colony               that               moved               in               to               take               advantage               of               the               spilled               cream               and               sugar,               and               hot               dog               bun               crumbs.

    Remember               the               basic               rule               of               salad               bars:               Never               eat               anything               that's               still               moving.

    We               humans               only               eat               dead               stuff.
                   The               form               asked               if               I               speak               any               foreign               languages.

    I               wrote               "English",               so               they               told               me               that's               not               a               foreign               language.

    This               must               be               England,               then?

    I               thought               England               was               a               foreign               country,               and               that               would               make               English               a               foreign               language.

    Our               native               tongue               here               is               Apache,               or               perhaps               Cherokee.
                   Sodom               and               Gomorrah               are               hotels               in               Las               Vegas,               aren't               they?

    Staying               at               the               Hotel               Gomorrah?

    They've               got               X-rated               movies,               hot               and               cold               running               nymphomaniacs,               and               golden               showers,               too!

    Condoms               and               Levitra               are               provided,               and               the               waiters               and               waitresses               do               room               service               in               the               nude.
                   Vegetarian               dog               food               is               for               dogs               with               a               serious               religious               committment.

    Is               your               dog               a               Presbyterian?

    My               dog               has               started               to               hang               out               with               Hare               Krishna               types,               so               I'm               worried               that               he               might               not               be               saved               by               Jesus.
                   I               went               into               Party               City               looking               for               some               party               supplies,               because               I               heard               they               had               a               good               selection.

    On               my               list:               One               or               two               bongs,               a               couple               bottles               of               Jack               Daniels,               several               cases               of               beer,               at               least               a               hundred               condoms               for               a               piñata,               a               handful               of               vibrators,               a               coke               mirror,               spare               razor               blades,               small               hash-pipe,               a               few               ounces               of               weed,               a               few               good               porno               flicks,               some               snacks,               tarot               cards,               and               a               few               cigars               for               the               women.

    Needless               to               say,               the               only               thing               they               had               was               snacks!

    They               should               be               called               Children's               Party               City,               because               they               don't               sell               anything               for               "regular"               parties.

    I               never               party               with               children,               because               that's               a               good               way               to               get               arrested.

    Oh,               I               almost               forgot               to               get               some               anti-Herpes               spray.

    Can't               have               a               party               without               that!
                   I               just               learned               that               Botany               is               the               study               of               Bots.

    And,               I               think               Trigonometry               is               the               study               of               Trigo,               wheat,               right?

    Maybe               the               study               of               Whale               Fat               is               Blubberology.

    Or               is               that               Liposuction?
                   Yore               senny-tors               and               representa-tiz               done               come               up               with               a               goode               skeeme               to               get               relected:               Beer               Stamps.

    We's               tryin               to               git               yer               vote,               so               we               wanna               bribe               ya.

    $65               a               week               in               Beer               Stamps               fer               a               family               of               4,               good               at               taverns,               liquor               stores,               and               even               grocery               stores.

    Restaurants,               too.

    Ask               fer               yer               U.S.D.A.

    (United               States               Dept.

    of               Alcohol)               Beer               Stamps.

    And,               remember               to               help               us               to               get               re-elected.
                   Eye               speeeke               Spannich,               butt               rite               verri               badd.

    Try               writing               that               on               MS-Word               to               see               how               many               squiggly               lines               it               draws.

    I               usually               get               "thunderstorm               warnings".

    They               need               a               setting               that               makes               the               program               "extra               stupid"               for               doing               art               and               poetry               where               words               are               intentionally               misspelled.
                   I               was               looking               for               a               can               of               squirrel               meat,               for               a               recipe,               and               the               supermarket               didn't               have               any.

    The               recipe               said               I               could               substitute               woodchuck               or               prairie               dog,               or               even               mole.

    So,               I               found               a               can               of               mole,               with               a               picture               on               the               label               of               a               mole's               butt               portion               covered               with               brown               sauce.
                   Here               at               Smith-Barney,               we               make               money               the               old-fashioned               way:               We               steal               it!

    Just               a               joke;               they're               okay,               but               I'm               joking               about               Bernie               Madoff,               who               "Made               Off"               with               lots               of               cash.

    Hey,               the               Brooklyn               Bridge               is               still               for               sale.

    Big               Joe               has               the               title               deed               in               his               safe               deposit               box.

    He               bought               it               from               that               circus               guy,               P.T.


    It's               a               steal,               literally.
                   The               3               worst               things               that               can               happen               to               a               man               are               that               he               can               get               a               divorce,               or               get               his               testicles               cut               off,               like               they               do               to               little               kitty-cats,               or               he               can               run               out               of               beer.

    One               of               those               3               things               can               be               easily               reversed.
                   The               "Beatnik"               Generation               resulted               in               the               "Now"               Generation,               followed               by               the               "Hip"               Generation,               then               the               "New"               Generation,               the               "Us"               Generation,               the               "Me"               Generation,               the               "Self"               Generation,               and               now               the               "Screw               You"               Generation.

    What's               next,               the               "Shoot               To               Kill"               Generation?

    Did               he               say               friendly               or               fiendly?
                   I               don't               go               to               Panda               Express               because               it's               bad               luck               to               eat               an               Endangered               Species.
                   Some               of               the               cable               Public               Access               channels               allow               postings               of               X-rated               home               movies.

    Pubic               Access?
                   Honest               Bob's               Used               Cars.

    Cash               for               any               vehicle!

    Car               doesn't               run?

    We               pay               cash!

    Totalled               in               an               accident?

    We               pay               cash!

    No               longer               need               it?

    We               pay               cash!

    Found               it               in               your               driveway?

    We               pay               cash!

    Not               even               your               car?

    We               pay               cash!

    Stole               it               last               weekend?

    We               pay               cash!

    2               miles               south               of               the               Otay               Mesa               border               crossing.

    Honest               Bob's               Used               Cars.

    Brand-new               cars               from               just               $600!

    That's               not               the               downpayment,               that's               the               total               price!

    All               vehicles               subject               to               prior               theft,               and               come               with               a               realistic-looking               Mexican               title.

    Honest               Bob's               Used               Cars.

    Drive               a               new               car               today,               without               all               the               hassle               of               having               to               pay               for               one!
                   Radiocarbon               Dating               is               when               a               60-year               old               archaeology               professor               has               a               hot               encounter               with               a               20-year-old               grad               student               in               the               middle               of               a               prehistoric               dig.

    Always               good               grades.

    Not               the               same               as               Speed               Dating,               when               both               people               get               high               on               amphetamines,               first,               hoping               to               someday               drop               a               litter               of               dope-addicted               kids.

    Cyber-dating               is               when               computers               get               attracted               to               each               other.

    They               usually               complain               about               humans               getting               in               their               way.
                   Casinos               make               poker               chips,               snack               food               companies               make               potato               chips,               cows               make               cow               chips,               and               little               cockroaches               make               micro-chips.
                   To               save               money,               San               Diego's               MTS               (Metropolitan               Transit               System)               will               take               a               tip               from               the               other               MTS               (Mexican               Transit               System).

    From               now               on,               to               save               on               fuel,               only               donkey               carts               will               be               used,               instead               of               buses.

    The               El               Cajon               Transit               Center               will               be               re-named               the               El               Cajon               Donkey               Stables,               and               please               remember               that,               while               on               board               there               is               no               eating,               drinking,               smoking,               or               farting.

    And,               in               consideration               of               other               passengers,               please               do               not               urinate               on               the               seats.

    Also,               stay               clear               of               the               back               end               of               the               donkeys.
                   One               cop               stopped               me               because               my               car               was               leaking               fluids.

    I               assured               him               that               the               vehicle               was               merely               marking               its               territory.
                   In               Spain,               your               car               has               4               gomas,               or               tires.

    In               Mexico,               they're               called               llantas.

    Ask               for               a               goma               for               your               car,               while               in               Mexico,               and               people               ask               if               you're               trying               to               keep               your               car               from               having               little               baby               cars.

    In               Mexico,               gomas               are               rubber               condoms.

    Prevents               loose               tailpipe               disease?
                   Automotive               muffler               bearings               are               essential               to               make               sure               your               muffler               rotates               properly               under               the               car.

    They're               made               by               the               same               company               that               manufactures               dehydrated               water.
                   Seen               on               a               t-shirt:               A               picture               of               George               W.

    Bush,               with               the               caption,               "W               is               for               Whacko."
                   It's               time               we               stopped               killing               innocent               Argyles,               and               making               them               into               Argyle               socks,               sweaters,               and               underwear.

    What's               next,               alligators?
                   The               Social               Worker               asked               the               little               boy,               "Are               there               any               siblings               in               your               family?"               "No,"               replied               the               boy,               "all               of               us               believe               in               God."
                   Any               day               now               the               Union               of               Conservative               Medflies               is               going               to               launch               a               protest               that               the               Border               Patrol               and               Agriculture               Depts.

    are               interfering               with               their               reproductive               rights.

    Spokespersons               for               the               Flies               are               a               group               of               insect-eating               birds,               thought               to               have               an               ulterior               motive.

    None               of               the               Medflies               could               be               reached               for               comment,               although               one               of               them               is               said               to               have               objected               to               their               nursery               being               referred               to               as               a               bunch               of               maggots.

    The               Flies               have               routinely               attempted               to               destroy               sources               of               human               foods,               in               an               attempt               to               discourage               the               current               rampant               over-reproduction               of               that               species.

    The               Flies'               slogan               is,               "Eat               a               Plant,               Starve               a               Human!"               The               Flies               are               currently               working               on               a               spray               that               kills               human               pests               on               contact.

    It               should               become               available               shortly.
                   You               heard               of               Jimmy               Dean               sausage?

    Try               our               Jimmy               Hoffa               sausage!

    It's               not               Ground               Chuck,               it's               ground               Sid.
                   When               shopping               for               kittens,               a               smaller               cat               is               less               ferocious,               consumes               less               food,               is               easier               to               pick               up,               and               requires               less               cat               box               work.

    Besides,               everybody               likes               a               little               pussy.

    Get               pussy               spayed               or               neutered,               or               you'll               eventually               have               so               many               cats               that               the               neighbors               will               say               your               home               is               a               Cat               House.


    Silly               human!

    I               told               you               I               want               my               filet               mignon               rare,               not               medium!

    And,               where's               my               side               order               of               shrimp,               stuffed               with               mouse               entrails?

    You               got               any               of               them               karaoke?

    Thems               delicious.
                   I               ♥               MY               CAT.

    I               ♠               MY               CAT.
                   Slaver               Ready:               Need               slaves?

    Our               family               has               been               in               the               slavery               business               for               over               3               thousand               years.

    You               can               beat               'em,               mistreat               'em,               scream               at               'em,               and               even               use               them               for               sadistic               medical               experiments.

    Call               me,               Slaver               Eddie,               and               I'll               supply               them               for               you!

    Remember               the               name               Slaver               Eddie.

    We're               "Tight               Packers",               so               we               pack               the               ships               17               slaves               deep,               and               many               get               damaged               in               the               shipment               process.

    But,               we               have               huge               discounts               on               damaged               merchandise!

    Way               deeper               discounts               than               those               bleedin'               heart               liberal               Loose               Packers!

    Slaver               Eddie               for               all               of               your               slavery               needs.

    (Chains               and               whips               sold               seperately.)
                   Welcome               to               Frostbite               Falls               International               Airport,               Minneapolis,               home               of               Rocky               the               Squirrel               and               Bullwinkle               the               moose.

    Also               the               hub               of               Northwest               (Territories)               Airlines.

    In               a               few               minutes,               we               will               be               landing               on               a               frozen               lake,               and               sleighs               will               take               us               to               the               main               terminal.

    On               the               way,               feel               free               to               photograph               the               herds               of               caribou               migrating               in               from               St.


    Thank               you               for               flying               East               Siberian               Airlines,               and               have               a               warm,               above-freezing               day               in               your               heart.
                   Tourists               please               note               that               this               was               once               the               North               Pole,               home               of               Santa               Claus,               his               workshop,               elves,               and               reindeer.

    Facing               budget               cuts,               and               a               poor               economy,               Santa               had               been               using               only               6               reindeer               instead               of               the               usual               8,               in               order               to               save               money               on               Purina               Reindeer               Chow.

    Unfortunately,               the               Border               Patrol               ran               into               Santa               down               at               the               Rescue               Mission,               and               deported               him               back               to               his               native               part               of               the               North               Pole,               somewhere               in               Illinois.

    He'll               be               back               someday               when               he               gets               a               new               coyote.
                   Last               year,               you               may               recall,               the               FAA               grounded               Santa               for               exceeding               the               maximum               permitted               air-speed,               and               ticketed               him               for               sleighing               under               the               influence               of               too               much               eggnog.

    He               continued,               with               an               elf               as               Designated               Driver,               but               poor               Santa               fell               off               the               roof               twice,               and               barfed               trying               to               woof               down               some               cookies.

    He               has               since               cleaned               up               his               act,               and               now               Rudolph               is               the               only               one               with               a               red               nose.
                   Santa's               in               the               AA               meetings               from               time               to               time,               and               the               Reindeer               Society               is               helping               care               for               his               herd.

    As               for               his               sleigh,               it'll               be               out               of               the               body               shop               by               Christmas,               needing               repair               due               to               an               elf               backing               it               up               into               a               broadcast               tower.

    The               tower               was               not               damaged,               but               the               elf               is               suffering               from               a               bruised               ego.
                   Bed               Bugs               are               Bar               Flies               that               got               out               of               the               larval               stage,               and               started               a               life               of               spreading               sexually-transmitted               diseases.

    Navel               Oranges               didn't               just               fall               off               the               produce               truck               yesterday!

    They               went               to               the               Navel               Academy!

    Our               House               Dressing               is               made               from               the               pieces               of               a               very               prestigious               house.
                   I               once               lived               at               Cockroach               Terrace               Apartments.

    Everyone               was               afraid               to               spray,               because               they               were               the               only               thing               holding               the               building               up.

    The               landlord               eventually               sold               out               to               Rancho               Cucaracha,               a               South               American               meat               processing               company               that               claims               they               have               over               3               billion               head               on               a               tenth               of               an               acre.

    Carnie               Asada,               South               American               carnival               meat.
                   Girl               Scouts               for               dessert.

    Really               hard               ones,               too.

    Girl               Scouts?

    Old               Brownies.

    Guys               are               different.

    First               you're               a               Boy               Scout,               then               you're               a               Girl               Scout,               and               then               you're               an               Explorer.
                   Country               gravy               makes               pretty               strong               wallpaper               paste,               but               the               problem               is               that               both               ants               and               roaches               love               it.
                   Ask               about               new               Purina               Elderly               Chow.

    It's               liquid,               'cause               gramps               don't               got               no               teeth.

    Just               pour               it               into               his               bowl.
                   New               Rodent               Helper,               from               the               makers               of               Hamburger               Helper.

    In               the               Karaoke               Section,               with               all               of               the               other               Japanese               Rodent               cooking               supplies.
                   Finally,               a               cigarette               that               you               can               use               anywhere!

    No               chance               of               a               forest               fire,               it               won't               damage               your               lungs,               and               it               can               be               used               at               work,               on               a               bus               stop,               or               even               in               a               crowded               restaurant!

    Ask               for               new               Marlboro               Injectible.

    All               the               flavor,               in               Regular               or               Menthol.

    Real               cowboys               shoot               Marlboro               in               the               morning!

    It               doesn't               stink               like               poop               and               regular               cigarettes               (same               smell),               and               works               okay               even               if               one               of               your               lungs               has               already               been               amputated!

    New               Marlboro               Injectible.

    Shoot               one               up               today!
                   It               is               said               that               Ray               Kroc,               founder               of               McDonald's               Restaurants,               had               a               race               horse               at               Del               Mar               named               Big               Mac.

    So               is               the               sandwich               named               after               the               horse,               or               vice               versa?


    At               Del               Mar,               today's               winner               buys               lunch,               but               today's               loser               is               lunch.

    Ground               "beaf"?

    It's               Genuine               Appaloosa.

    What's               that?

    Well,               it's               bigger               than               a               Tennessee               Walker,               but               smaller               than               a               Quarterhorse.

    Much               smaller               than               a               Clydesdale.

    Got               a               pig?

    Name               it               Harley               the               Hog,               or               perhaps               Oscar,               as               in               Oscar               Mayer               (foods).

    Babe               Alert!

    Got               a               Clydesdale?

    Name               it               Bud.
                   I               always               wanted               to               see               one               football               game               a               year               between               the               last-place               pro               team               and               the               first-place               college               team,               or               perhaps               the               College               All-Stars.

    Punishes               the               pro               team               for               being               last.

    Call               it               the               Toilet               Bowl,               or               the               Tidy               Bowl,               and               sell               bathroom               products.

    Is               your               toilet               angry               because               it               continually               sees               your               butt               hanging               over               it?

    Stop               diarrhea               with               Commodium               AD.

    Part               of               the               Sewage               Reduction               Plan.

    Ask               about               our               new               toilet               water               fragrance,               "Cat               Box".

    Gets               you               plenty               of               personal               space               on               crowded               elevators               and               trolleys.

    It's               from               the               makers               of               OdorOhNo!

    under-arm               reodorant.
                   When               I               first               moved               to               San               Diego,               somebody               told               me               that               Abierto               was               Spanish               for               roast               Chihuahua               dog               on               a               bun.


    I               went               past               a               Mexican               restaurant,               and               the               sign               said:               "Open.

    Abierto."               I               felt               sorry               for               those               cute               little               doggies.

    Now,               I               know               better.

    Abierto               just               means               "open",               in               Spanish.

    Carne               asada               perrito               is               roast               Chihuahua               on               a               bun.

    When               the               Taco               Bell               Chihuahua               kept               running               around               yelling               "Yo               Quiero               Taco               Bell",               they               finally               gave               him               his               wish,               and               chopped               him               up               into               3               enchiladas.

    Not               a               lot               of               meat               on               those               little               pups.

    That's               why               Mexican               hot               dogs               don't               come               in               Chihuahua.

    You               can               only               get               them               in               3               flavors,               Schnauser,               Beagle,               or               Collie.

    Well,               there               is               a               4th               flavor,               put               out               by               the               drug               cartels,               but               John               Wayne               Bobbit               and               Jeff               Dahmer               dogs               cost               extra.
                   McDonald's               Restaurants               once               came               up               with               the               idea               of               an               Adult               Happy               Meal,               which               substituted               a               salad               for               fries.

    The               problem               was               that               people               thought               it               came               with               an               Adult               Toy.

    A               Mayor               McCheese               McCondom?

    How               about               a               Ronald               McDonald               McVibrator?

    A               Hamburglar               Hash-Pipe?

    Or,               maybe               a               McCokespoon?

    Bad               idea,               because               of               the               name.

    The               concept,               more               salad,               less               fries,               is               a               good               one.

    Way               better               than               Kentucky               Fried               Rodent.

    You               can               get               it               in               Regular               or               Extra               Greasy.

    It's               finger-♦ing               good!

    As               for               chicken               nuggets,               are               those               knee               sockets               or               armpits?

    Can               you               cut               off               a               chicken's               nuggets               without               hurting               it?

    Reminds               me               of               moth               balls.

    Moths               have               really               huge               balls,               and               they               stink               so               bad               that               they               kill               other               insects.

    Would               you               like               an               order               of               flies               with               that?
                   Times               are               hard.

    When               I               went               into               the               hardware               store,               looking               for               a               garden               hose,               I               ran               into               Jimmy               The               Pimp,               working               there.

    (Jimmy               is               one               of               my               characters.)               The               pimpin'               business               has               been               hard               hit               by               the               Recession.

    "You               need               hose?

    I               knows               all               about               ho's",               he               said.

    "Garden               hose",               I               replied.

    "Some               of               my               ladies               hangs               out               in               the               garden,               so               they               be               garden               ho's."               "Rubber               hose",               I               replied.

    Irritated,               he               said,               "All               of               my               ladies               got               rubbers!

    They               all               be               rubber               ho's."               Then               he               began,               "The               difference               between               a               hotel               and               a               motel               be               that               a               ho-tel               got               ho's.

    And               when               Santa               Claus               say               'Ho-ho-ho',               he               want               3               of               them               bitches."               Three               ho's               for               Santa!
                   Golf               is               a               game               where               little               animals               come               out               of               the               ground               (golfs)               and               you               club               them               to               death               with               a               golf               club.

    Their               holes               are               marked               with               big               flags.

    When               you               bag               some               golfs,               you               put               them               in               a               golf               bag,               and               take               them               to               the               clubhouse.

    They               sell               those               little               golfs               to               companies               that               make               grits               for               breakfast.

    Gopher               grits,               a               Southern               Favorite!
                   The               man               said               he               could               help               me               lose               over               200               pounds               of               excess               ugly               fat.

    I               asked               if               he               was               a               personal               trainer.

    "No,",               he               said,               "I'm               a               divorce               lawyer".
                   Seen               on               a               bumper               sticker:               "Born               Again               Pagan.

    My               Other               Car               is               a               Broom.

    My               Broom's               in               the               Closet,               and               so               am               I."
                   Karaoke               is               the               largest               of               all               the               Japanese               rodents.

    Bars               kill               hundreds,               and               put               up               a               huge               sign               that               sez:               "Karaoke               Wednesday               Nights."               People               come               in               for               a               big               plateful,               boiled,               baked,               steamed,               or               fried.

    I               like               mine               poached,               with               a               side               order               of               Isuzu               Sauce.

    The               hardest               part               about               eating               Karaoke               is               that               you               gotta               pull               the               fur               off.

    Japanese               tradition               says               that               when               people               dine               on               Karaoke,               some               of               them               have               to               "entertain"               the               others,               by               singing               loud,               and               badly,               and               off-key.

    This               frightens               away               the               karaoke               spirits,               so               that               they               don't               come               back               and               haunt               the               bar.
                   I               heard               swine               flu               was               a               problem,               so               I               started               to               arrange               to               get               my               pig               vaccinated.

    Too               late.

    He's               already               dead               from               a               more               prevalent               disease:               Dinner.
                   People               always               ask               me,               "What's               your               sign?"               I               usually               tell               them               it's               NO               PARKING,               but               also               SLIPPERY               WHEN               WET.
                   Señor,               the               reason               your               order               is               taking               so               long               is               that               you               ordered               dos               mariachis               con               queso.

    Mariachis               take               a               very               long               time               to               cook,               and               barely               fit               in               the               oven.

    As               for               your               other               question,               where               all               the               musicians               went,               well,               didn't               you               know?
                   I               went               to               the               computer               store               to               buy               a               box               of               tracking               cookies,               but               they               said               that               their               mouse               already               ate               them.

    I               was               surfing               the               web               with               my               mouse               late               one               night,               and               it               fell               off               the               board               and               drowned.

    Now,               I'm               just               a               Rest               Area               on               the               Information               Superhighway.

    I               did               manage               to               get               my               computer               de-bugged,               though:               Took               4               cans,               and               they               were               running               all               over               the               floor!
                   Not               all               of               the               beautiful               men               in               the               world               are               either               married               or               gay.

    Some               are               drunk,               broke,               crazy,               or               out               on               parole.
                   I               was               chasing               an               enchilada               down               the               street,               trying               to               catch               it               for               lunch.

    Turnabout               is               fair               play,               so               the               damn               thing               turned               around               and               bit               me!

    So               much               for               having               a               bite.
                   Heard               from               the               gutter:               Four               basic               food               groups?

    Pretzels,               beer,               Twinkies,               and               french               fries.

    Ho-hos               are               in               the               Twinkie               group.

    I               once               had               a               $200               a               day               Twinkie               habit.

    Then,               I               joined               Twinkers               Anonymous,               and               they               taught               me               how               to               shoot               heroin.

    Now               I               don't               Twink               no               more.

    Saw               a               lady               in               the               grocery               store               just               yesterday.

    She               had               3               shopping               carts               full               of               Twinkies.

    I               told               her,               "You               can               get               help,               lady!"               She               told               me               it               was               for               the               church               picnic.

    I               told               her               "That's               what               I               used               to               tell               people!"
                   Chihuahua               cheese               is               expensive,               because               Chihuahuas               are               very               tiny               and               don't               give               a               lot               of               milk.

    Besides,               it's               really               hard               to               climb               under               them               to               milk               'em.

    Once               there               was               a               man               who               never               tasted               good               food.

    Then,               one               day,               he               ate               a               bean               burrito.

    He               liked               it               so               much               that               he               ate               16               of               them.

    Poor               guy               farted               to               death.

    Terminal               Flatulence.

    Someday               there               will               be               a               burrito               warning               label.
                   Hire               the               morally               handicapped.

                   I               admire               the               tactics               of               the               Black               Widow               Spider.

    Start               the               web               on               the               outside,               instead               of               the               center,               like               most               spiders.

    Gradually               add               pieces,               making               nothing               obvious,               until               it's               too               late.

    And,               used               boyfriends               are               put               to               good               use,               too.


    Reminds               me               of               the               joke               that               we               could               make               lawyers               a               lot               more               useful               than               they               are               now:               Turn               them               into               pet               food.

    Jimmy               Hoffa               brand.

    I               wonder               if               the               dogs               and               cats               liked               him.

    They               do               like               human               smells.

    The               fire-breathing               dragon               said               to               the               little               boy,               "You               humans               are               crunchy,               and               taste               good               with               ketchup."               And,               if               you're               ever               in               a               plane               crash,               and               people               might               have               to               resort               to               cannibalism,               don't               let               anybody               know               you're               a               vegetarian.

    Humans               eat               all               herbavores,               including               horses,               but               no               carnivores               (in               Western               Civ.)               We               only               eat               fellow               animals               that               are               vegetarian.

    As               for               our               menu-favorite               vegetarian               stew,               there's               3               vegetarians               in               every               batch.

    I               prefer               a               good               Vegan               stew,               but               the               restaurant               next               door               keeps               running               out               of               vegans.
                   Babies               use               a               mouth               pacifier,               or               nuck,               to               be               calm.

    Dummies               use               an               ear               pacifier,               or               AM               radio.

    KOGO               RADIO.

    YOUR               NUCK               IN               HARD               TIMES.

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